At this crucial turning point in our planet’s history, The Age of Nature brings together inspirational contributors, rare archive and stunning imagery from around the world to give us a deeper understanding of Nature.
Exploring the restless rhythms of the British countryside. Hidden away in the most easterly part of the British Isles are the Fens of East Anglia, a landscape of wild wetlands and fertile farmland.
A year in the life of an extraordinary village, hidden away in the French countryside, showing the parallel world of tiny creatures that live side by side with unsuspecting humans.
We've been telling stories of good people doing good things for our planet for over ten years.
ISA campaign for Triodos Bank
Arctic clean coasts campaign
sustainable fashion
biomass sustainability
sustainable travel
sustainable travel
with Eliot Kipchoge
grown up fun
with Michael Palin
with Sarah Millican
2018 campaign
Kids having fun!
Coming up March 26th on PBS!
The Future of Nature, a 4-part series narrated by Uma Thurman, combines beautiful wildlife with compelling science and features inspiring contributors from all corners of the globe. From climatologists to ecologists, and indigenous campaigners to economists, they all give us surprising insight into the power of nature in our fight against Climate Change. Groundbreaking visual effects show how carbon flows through nature, on a macro and planetary scale, bringing this secret force to life in a way that’s never been seen before. Bold and beautifully composed music, combined intricately with well-crafted sound design, enhances our connection to the stories and nature, allowing us the space to think and resonate as we flow through the highs and lows of the series’ emotional journey.
Five Films produces factual films for television broadcast and the digital corporate market. Firmly embedded within the Bristol media community, we have strong relationships with some exceptional and award-winning freelance talent, whether we’re making blue-chip or presenter-led formats, we only use the best people for the job.
Our campaign film department uses studios based in Bristol and London. Thanks to our creative reputation and powerful ethos, we are able to attract the best commercial talent to work on our productions. We use classic visual techniques and high-tech equipment to create a stunning look and combine that with emotional storytelling to leave a message with a real impact.
We have a commitment to conduct our business with an exceptionally high standard of social and environmental care. For example, when filming abroad we have a policy of employing at least one local person on the production team, taking the time to select and train that person if necessary.
We also make sure our films are seen by the people of the area where we film, by organising projections in schools and community centres or arranging television broadcasts where possible.
We exclusively work for or with companies and people who leave a positive footprint on the world.